This is the sixth largest stone circle in England believed to be over 4,500 years old, it’s a huge circle in a beautiful meadow with the North Pennine mountains as a backdrop, often livestock graze among the stones. The Biggest stone is called Long Meg standing 12ft tall and weighing over 9 tonnes, it has ancient rock art carved into it that is clear to the visible eye. This stone sits just outside the main stone circle named ‘Her Daughters’ that consists of 59 stones. Archeologists believe this was a special meeting place for people at certain times of the year.
Interesting Stories
One of the most famous folklore tales related to the circle is that the large stone was a witch named “Meg of Meldon” and the other stones her daughters that were turned to stone for profaning the Sabbath while they danced so wild and free upon the moor. One other legend tells of a coven of witches that were turned to stone by a great Scottish wizard called Michael Scott.
William Wordsworth wroth the following upon his visit to the stone circle..
A weight of awe, not easy to be borne,
Fell suddenly upon my spirit, cast
From the dread bosom of the unknown past
When first I saw that family forlorn..
Speak Thou, whose massy strength and stature scorn
The power of years—pre-eminent, and placed
Apart, to overlook the circle vast.
Speak Giant-mother!
The stones feature in the movie “ Sightseers” a horror comedy about a road trip.
Getting There: Grid Ref: NY571372 You can park near the stones.
Poto Credits & copywrite: Humphrey Bolton – Mauldy – Feature Photo – Oliver Dixon